Without going into Top secret detail, I'll share that I was invited to spend time with some very special people in the food industry. They are the people moving food forward ... around the planet, really ... setting trends, raising the bar, making our mouths water.
The production behind their platform is as impressive as the platform itself. The people behind the scenes are as creative, brilliant, and committed to excellence as the chefs executing the perfect plates that they immortalize. Being a witness to this process was awe-inspiring. Becoming friends with a number of the creators was humbling.
I was invited to contribute in my tiny little way to this juggernaut of a media presence. Perhaps you have an idea of what that may have been. For now, I’ll just say I was honored to have something that I created be “at the table” amongst these titans of cuisine.
To wrap the entire surreal experience up, I was invited to the actual ‘wrap party’. This was the cherry on top of a giant ice cream sunday that I couldn't get enough of. These people know how to party and it capped off my life-changing week in a life-changing way.
Thank you Louisville, Kentucky. Thank you new friends and colleagues. Thank you for a unicorn's rainbow of sparkly, magical memories that I'll cherish forever!